4 Quarter BD

AO: Jericho

When: 08/04/2023

QIC: Benny

PAX (3): Benny, Shag, Todd Doherty l F3 UMass


Shoulder Taps IC x 15

OH Clap IC x 10

Smurf Jacks IC x 20

Hillbillies IC x 10

Grab a coupon and head to football field

The Thang:

Various Sets of AMRAP’s.

1st Quarter (7 minutes):

OH Press x 10

Derkins x 10

Goblet Squat x 10

Sprint 25 yards out and back

2nd Quarter (6 minutes):

Skull Crushers x 10

Curls x 10

1 leg deadlift x 10 (5 each leg)

Coupon Mosey 25 yards out and back

2 MINUTE DRILL – Burpees

Halftime – high knee March to 25 and back

3rd Quarter (7 Minutes):

Coupon Swings x 10

Coupon OH Calf Raise x 10

Bear Crawl 25 yards out and back

4th Quarter (6 Minutes):

Hand Release-Release Merkins x 10

Lion Kings x 10

Lunge Walk 25 yards out and back

Before the 2 minute drill, I let PAX know that our team was down by 6 but we had the ball. Everyone pushed hard and we got the ball into the endzone.

2 MINUTE DRILL – Mountain Climbers

However, in typical GA Tech fashion…we choked and we missed the extra point. Tie game… we are going to


Overtime (3 minutes):

Fireman’s carry coupon back


Seated Flutter Kicks IC x 15

Hands up LBC’s IC x 10



Driveway to driveway event

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