8 by Four Loko

AO: Windjammer

When: 08/04/2023

QIC: Irene

PAX (14): Caroline, Cookie, Deep dish, False Start, Maytag AI, Milli Vanilli, Nair, Sparkie, Stroller, Stu, Townie, uga, Walkie Talkie


Today is YHC’s Birthday and I grabbed the Q way-back (1st to hit the new year signups), but I put off planning anything until Monday of this week. For some reason, I saw a meme about the original Four Loko and decided it needed to be the focus of the beatdown, so apologies for that!


After a brief disclaimer for all of the regular Windjammers, we quickly moseyed to the flagpole for our warm-up: 37 SSH for my birthday, 12 Copperhead Squats, 10 Weedpickers, 15 Imperial Walkers, Arm Circles, and COVIDs.

Back to the Lake Club to start the Thang.

The Thang:

YHC planned to go to school even though Stu and Zohan both took the pax there during the last two beatdowns. Oh well, school’s almost in session and Cookie will no longer be allowed to enter the premises (just kidding!) so we better pack these in!

But first we needed to get there. Borrowing a Dr. Rico idea, Pax separated into two groups to race to Clipper Bay stopping at the first 5 lampposts to perform 20 Merkins – got to get in that AMRAP August and Windjammer Challenge reps. Team 2 was faster but left a man behind, so they were punished with 20 Mountain Climbers while Team 1 did 20 LBCs. Off to School!

Circling up at the carport, YHC explained the Four Loko – an Alpha Bonnie Blair into a Burpee followed by a High Jump (four exercises that lift you up, take you down, and keep you bouncing – that was the idea at least). Pax then completed 8 Four Lokos followed by a lap of the Parent Pick-up/Drop-off Loop. 4 rounds of that was more than enough.

We did an Indian Run back to the lake club and moseyed on to Dam to watch the sun rise, but missed it an opted for Mary instead: Dollies, E2K, Box Cutters, Dying Cockroaches, and Freddie Mercuries before a mosey back to the Shovel Flag to finish.


Announcements: Convergence tomorrow at Brooke Street Park, 7 am. Ready-Mix Quad 8/11 @7pm until 812 @7pm – Check the Hooch slack for more details.

Cookie provided Hot Coffee and YHC brought Iced Coffee and Creamer. Townie treated the pax to iced towels and everyone enjoyed the country club experience.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Thank you all for having me. it has been an absolute pleasure participating in F3 over the last 18 months.

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