Muscle Beach

AO: The Wreck

When: 07/24/2023

QIC: Meltdown

PAX (13): Ariel, Blue, Coat Check, corky, Gutterball, Hammy, Matt Shields-Norm, Moonshine, Mountain Mama, Scratch-Off, Sell-out, nutmeg


With promises of muscle beach, Scratch-off IMMEDIATELY responded like it was christmas eve.  He made the trek across the treacherous ravine that is GA 400 as he can’t miss a muscle beach day.

And just like Santa, YHC packed the sleigh the night before with weights and barbells for the PAX.  Arrived early to set it all up on the field.  Lots of toys to play with this morning.


Been too long but circled up in the lot for SSH, WP, and toy soldiers

The Thang:

Divided up into 2 groups for 5 minutes at Muscle beach, and then 5 minutes at beach body.

Round 1: Group 1: 10-15 deadlifts then 10-15 rows while Group 2 did Captain Thor with a plate. Then flip flop.

Round 2: G1: 10-15 curls then 10-15 OHP; G2: 20 V-ups w plate and 20 supermans

R3: G1: 10-15 skull crushers, 10-15 curls; G2: 20 leg lifts, 20 kobes


Prayers for those on summer travel

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always thankful for this group. – meltdown

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