A Beeline/ClownSock Ruck

AO: Starting Line

When: 08/09/2023

QIC: Beeline

PAX (7): Better Call Saul, DDoS, Janeway, Jolt, Script Kiddie, Seaman, Beeline


It was a great morning for the Pre-Ruck Jolt, DDoS, Better Call Saul and Script Kiddie were there to knock out some early morning Ruck miles before the main Ruck BD began.
We got back to the flag a minute or 2 late but that was ok since Beeline, in true Beeline form, was running late and got there at about 533, and had to do a quick change, on the spot, complete with Compression socks that looked more like he something Ronald McDonald or Bozo the clown may wear, and in true F3/man form we had to call him out on that, repeatedly and sarcastically, but in all seriousness it was great to have him back and  leading the BeatDown.


Warm Up, we don’t need no stinkin’ warm up.
Disclaimer given

The Thang:

We started off the ruck heading toward town, past the Middle school then made it to our turn around point, circled up and did the following
20 Ruck Merkins
20 Jump squats with arm thrusters with Ruck
20 SSHs with Ruck
Seaman called electric bikes, one Beeline truly enjoyed<=Sarcasm
Then we rucked back to the pavilion, with Beeline, umm bee-lining it to the bathroom so  we started the count and nameOrama without him


Valley Girl Beatdown Next Wednesday
A call to have someone take the Q Saturday at Starting line, if available

Pray for kids heading back to school and the teachers
Our Marriages
Janeway and wisdom on how to handle issues with one of his 2.0s teachers.

Acceleration point
Not given during the BD or CoT but wanted to share it here
Ed Mylett has a book called the Power of One more, and in it he talks about how his dad was an alcoholic early in life but as he got older he found the strength to stop drinking and when asked how he did it, he would simply say I do not need to be sober for another year, I just need to be sober for one more day, and each day he would say exactly that I need to be sober for just one more day.
That is exactly what we need to be, we need to take life one day at a time, the things we deal with you do not need to be good for another week/month/year, we need to focus and overcome the things we deal with for one more day. Similar to the phrase inch by inch life’s a cinch, yard by yard it’s very hard.

Ended in prayer

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Coffee talk was good, as always and quickly after we had to head out but not before we got in a few more snide comments about Beelines sock choice.

It was great to have all the men there this morning especially having Jolt returning and Beeline back from his summer breaks.

While the mumblechatter was loud and snarky, it is always a highlight of my day/week to spend some quality gloom time with the men of F3

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