Build the B-R-I-D-G-E

AO: The Bridge

When: 08/18/2023

QIC: Birdie

PAX (14): BallBoy, Birdie, Dinghy, Fuzzy Dice, Gasleak, Hackeysack, Humperdinck, Maguire, Meatball, Popper (Dan Richard), Potter (Matt Rowand), TURK, Y2K, Zima


After disclaimer & reminded all  of us about 5 core principles, we moseyed toward the path to nowhere and circle up at the back of the theater for: Good Morning, Wind Mills, Weed Picker, SSH, Toy Soldier & Moroccan Night Club

The Thang:

YHC setup 6 cones for pain stations with the exercises that spelled out the word B R I D G E

  • 5 Burpees (PAX favorite)
  • 10 Reverse Crunch
  • 15 Inch Worm
  • 20 Doggie Paddle
  • 25 Gorilla Humper
  • 30 E2K / Oblique

Start at first cone, perform the exercise, then mosey to the path of nowhere which has a slight decline & incline and back to the first cone. Perform the exercise, then mosey to the next cone and perform the exercise and mosey to the path of nowhere. Rinse & Repeat until all 6 exercises completed.

We had back to the flag for Mary: Gas Pumper, LBC, Flutter Kick, Pickle Pointer & a few others.


Prayer for Popper job situation, Dinghy’s friend for full recovery from the surgery.

Darth Visor Memorial next Saturday 26 (check Slack for detail)

Naked-Man Moleskin:

It was an honor to serve as a site Q. Now, Potter & Humperdinck will take over as co-site-Q, this AO is in good hand and they will take it to the next level.  It was an honor to lead this morning & until next time, continue accelerating. SYITG

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