Whistles, Cones, and Stones in My Hand

AO: Norseman

When: 08/17/2023

QIC: Knight Rider

PAX (21): 40, Blistex, Blue Balls (BB), Bottom Bunk, Chapter 11, Crikey, DeLorean, Deuce (Jay Mooney), DirtyMO, Fresh Prince, Ha-ha, HotSauce, Matlock, muTTon, Nacho Libre, Pepper, Snowman, Sweeper, TMI, Untouchable


Another early arrival at the AO to set up stations and lay out some cones, sandbags, stones, and even more cones.

3 Pre-runners were glanced heading off in the gloom.

Once the set up was complete YHC moseyed to the pavilion to join the ever-growing group of arriving PAX. Only 4 HCs on the Slack the night before, but 21 HIMs came out to move toward advantage.

0530 was called with a quick intro and disclaimer.

Mosey to the parking lot for Warm-o-Rama.


Some positive mumble chatter about YHC’s set up of cones and red lights as the PAX got a quick view from the parking lot of Turf Field 2.  Much appreciated

Led the PAX in-cadence through:

SSH’s – 20
Weed Pickers – 10
Hillbillies – 10
Merkins – 10
Various Arm/Shoulder Circles – OYO for 30 seconds

The Thang:

YHC led the PAX from the parking lot to the far side of Turf Field 2 past an array of red lights and glowing cones.

The overall workout flow / instructions, exercise demonstrations, and safety guidance was given. Though more time could have been devoted to directional details as many PAX only seemed to fully grab some of the initial details.

Yet, wanting to keep the PAX on time everyone partnered up, the music was started, and we were off.

The PAX were to rotate through 3 major stations:

Partnered PAX were to alternate rounds of 10 yard, 130 lbs sandbag / rope pulls and a 10 yard, 40 lbs sandbag bear crawl drags.

The Waterfall:  consisting of 5 mini-stations of:

– 4 Burpees
– 20 Flutter Kicks (Alpha)
– 10 Mike Tysons
– Partnered PAX were to alternate rounds of 12 x sandbag thrusters / 12 x weighted reverse lunges (20 lb stone per hand)

DORA at the 50 yard line (run to the goal line and back to the 50) consisting of:

– 100 jump squats
– 200 Carolina Dry Docks
– 300 Plank Jacks

Extra Credit: (if the main DORA is completed)

  • 50 Burpee Broad Jumps
  • 100 Merkins

All PAX started in the Waterfall area with half the groups on one side of the field and the other half on the other side of the field to help the Waterfall stations keep flowing. This moved smoother in my head than in reality, but we all kept moving forward.

The goal was to complete the Waterfall and Sandbag Pull/Drag stations then continue into the DORA exercises.

Each pair of PAX was to continue with the DORA until the WHISTLE sounded over the music.

Upon hearing the WHISTLE, all PAX were to catch up with their partner then start the Waterfall + Sandbag Pull / Drag rotation again.

Then rinse and repeat until time was called.

The WHISTLE intervals were roughly 5.5 – 6.5 minutes apart and by the 2nd or 3rd round, most PAX appeared to get the hang of the rotation.  Many chose to modify to accommodate a 3 man group or due to some back ups in the Waterfall rotation.

YHC called time on the field at 0611 with the PAX completing around 5 rotations of the above stations. PAX helped gather up the cones and sandbags then ran back to the Pavilion for the COT.

One quick round of Hello Dolly for 30 reps IC upon arriving at the Pavilion to make sure we worked until exactly 0615.


DARTH Visor CSAUP on SAT, 8/26 at 0630 – Fowler Park

Thanks given for the opportunity to come together in fitness and fellowship.
Prayers for grace, humility, healing and strength for the PAX so they can go out and be a positive influence in the world.
Prayers for blessings on our community, family and friends.
Prayers for guidance, strength, and fortitude for Untouchable’s son as he enters a tough time.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

As always, it was an honor to lead my 4th Q in F3. It’s a process and I always learn something new each Q.

Thanks to all the PAX for their patience and flexibility with the possibly, not-so-simple BD format. I always appreciate everyone’s feedback and support.
Looking forward for the next one and the opportunity to improve.

F3 continues to be a guiding force in my life and my main guardrail to getting/staying right. Thanks to everyone for showing up and working hard.

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