BOMBS away

AO: Rubicon

When: 08/22/2023

QIC: Zohan and Sea Monkey

PAX (7): Avis, FannyPack, Focker, Red Ryder (D Mack), Sea Monkey, Trebek, Zohan


Sea Monkey (my 2.0) doesn’t regularly come to F3 workouts, but is very interested in it. Always suggesting me exercises and asking if we do this or that. Yesterday we talked about going together to a workout and, when we saw there’s no Q at the Rubicon, we decided to Co-Q. We reviewed the AO in google map together and I gave him a few minutes with the Exicon. I enjoyed planning the beatdown with him. Now to see how our plans will fan out.


Flyby #1 – Stroller, Irene and Fieri run by us before we started.


Zohan gave Disclaimer and called Mosey to the other parking lot, with some ass kickers and high knees. Circle Up.

Sea Monkey led cadence: Weed Pickers, Hill Billies, Copper Head Squats, Mountain Climbers, Moroccan Night Clubs and Windmills

The Thang:

Picked up a coupon and headed to the desired starting point for a BOMBS Dora.

50 Burpees, 100 Over Head Press with the Coupon, 150 Merkins, 200 Big Boys, 250 Squats with Coupon. Partner runs the trail, circle and back.

Flyby #2 – Academy’s PAX stopped by for a few Burpees and continued their own merry way. Kudos!

We were running about 2 miles, though it felt like swimming.

Monkey Humpers for the six. Thankfully that didn’t take long.

We returned the coupons and headed to the big pavilion for a Ring of Fire.

One PAX run to a nearby tree, up the hill and back to the pavilion on the trail. Each other PAX does one of the following AMRAP: Derkins, Dips, Erkins, Box Jumps, LBCs, Dirty Handshakes. One the running PAX comes back, rotate positions.

The Co-Qs did not provide music for this beatdown. FannyPack started to sing Ring of Fire for us.

We made one full circle and headed back to the flag, just on time!


Red Ryder’s neighbor lost a family member due to drugs.

Darth Visor CSAUP next Saturday.

The Bound is looking for an AO to sponsor a breakfast during September.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

I think the beatdown went very well. Very proud of my son! Being a father is an amazing privilege and those moments our kids make us proud are priceless.

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