The Whole Package

AO: Black Water

When: 08/21/2023

QIC: Package

PAX (16): Baskins, Benny, Better Call Saul, Hushpuppy, Mantooth, Napalm, Olaf, Package, Pinkman, Samsonite, Schneider, Snake, Snowman, Soul Glo, Whiz


We gathered for an epic VQ by none other than the Package. Hubba Hubba!


Mosey to the fountain for the usual warm ups. SSH and such.

The Thang:

Package delivered his variance on the 11’s with supersets of 10 merkins and 1 squat at bottom of stairs and 9 merkins and 2 squats at top. Till we completed the flop.

Next we gathered at center stage to partner up for amraps with burpees, bbsu and merkins.


Thoughts and prayers for spoken and unspoken request.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

This Saturday is Darth Visor Memorial beat down at Big Creek. Man up and show up.

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