IPC 2023 Week 0

AO: The Hooch

When: 08/28/2023

QIC: Popper

PAX (17): BallBoy, Dinghy, Half-Dozen, Hammer, HIPAA, Humperdinck, Meatball, Paparazzi (Sri), Potter, PuffDaddy, Saint2O, Scrooge, Spackle, Splinter, TURK, Wolverine


It’s hyper-acceleration season. Late August and the start of IronPAX gifts the men of F3 their annual reminder that as hard as our workouts can be throughout the year, they can always be worse.

YHC Preblasted the F3 Greenwood beatdown plan/video link on Slack the night before. The rain convinced us to use the Ari awning as home base. Minutes before showtime, YHC marked a 400m loop with cones, and had printouts of the weinke for the PAX to follow.

The game is to finish the full weinke in as short a time as possible. YHC described the workout movements, gave the disclaimer, and started a jam band-centric playlist (DMB, Allman Bros, Govt Mule, Tedeschi-Trucks, you get the point).

Finally, YHC started the timer.


13 apiece in 4-count cadence:

  • SSH
  • Imperial Walker
  • Shoulder Taps
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Plank Jacks

The Thang:

You must finish all reps before moving to the next item on the menu.

  • 800m mosey
  • 85 hand-release merkins
  • 8 burpees
  • 85 big boy sit-ups
  • 8 burpees
  • 85 goblet squats
  • 8 burpees
  • 85 dips
  • 8 burpees
  • 85 overhead presses
  • 8 burpees
  • 85 4-count flutter kicks
  • 8 burpees
  • 85 kettlebell swings
  • 8 burpees
  • 800m mosey

As PAX finished, they picked up the Six. The entire group was done by ~ 46 minutes, though some finished in the early 30’s.


Prayers for grieving the passing of Humperdinck’s Uncle Willie and separately the passing of almost an entire family in a car wreck. Prayers for work opportunities and stresses. Thanksgiving for healthy bodies and community.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

YHC felt like he got stampeded by a bull after that one, and by the sound of the other PAX at Wednesday morning Hooch, YHC was not the only one who felt so. Good thing Scrooge was thoughtful enough to repeat half of the IPC week 0 program all over again. Never stop accelerating, men.

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