Dark Side Of The Gloom

AO: Gladiator

When: 08/31/2023

QIC: Darkside

PAX (19): Chanel, Cheneral, Darkside, defcon2, DREAMER, Fire Drill, Laces, Macbeth, Mater, RaspberryPi, Scratch-Off, Snowbird, Stroller, vertigo, Veggie Slider Butterknife Scoville Brownie


I thought it fitting to have my first Gladiator Q be a dedication to the 50th Anniversary of my namesake, Pink Floyd’s Dark Side Of The Moon! Released March 1st 1973.

50 reps of everything was in order..


After a brief disclaimer, YHC led the PAX through the parking for a short mosey with some high knees mixed in. We made our way to the field for a lap of Black Snake run, then circled up at the 50 yd line for:

  • 15 SSH IC
  • 10 windmills IC
  • 10 baby arm circles IC
  • 10 big baby arm circles IC
  • 10 weedpickers

The Thang:

4 Corners style BD went like this…

Round 1 – 5 burpee buy in > bear crawl to corner 1 > Bernie between corners

  • 50 merkins
  • 50 monkey humpers
  • 50 Carolina DD
  • 50 squats > bear crawl back to center for 5 burpee cash out

PAX were asked to hillbilly for the 6

Round 2 – 5 burpee buy in > bear crawl to corner 1 > Carioca between corners

  • 50 wide arm merkins
  • 50 reverse lunge (single)
  • 50 shoulder taps (alpha)
  • 50 Bobby Hurley > bear crawl back to center for 5 burpee cash out

*Black Snake mosey for one lap and returned to the center for round 3

Round 3 – 5 burpee buy in > bear crawl to corner 1 > high knees between corners

  • 50 assorted merkins
  • 50 LBC
  • 50 Dips
  • 50 plank jacks

In the interest of time YHC called for the PAX to cut the last round of plank jacks short and Bernie to center for cash out burpees. Mosey back to the flag with time called just as the last man arrived.


No announcements

Prayers for Butterknife and YHC

Naked-Man Moleskin:

This one felt a bit more challenging than my VQ last week. Huge group of 19 HIM to lead is no joke! I could have been more clear in some of my directives. I will sharpen and try again soon!

Thank you for letting me lead!

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