IPC Week (O)uch

AO: Badapple

When: 08/30/2023

QIC: The Real Woody

PAX (7): goat, Rusty, Spider, Tank, The_OG Zima, Thud


So none of the PAX voted to participate in IronPax this year, but somehow Turbin (who didn’t even show for it) found a way to put it on the schedule.  YHC is the proctor and it was a brutal BD for Week 0.  PAX were instructed to bring a cinder.  Beautiful weather in the gloom, disclaimer given, so let’s go!


13 reps of each:

SSH (4 count)

Imperial Walkers (4 count)

Shoulder Taps (4 count)

MTN Climbers (4 count)

Plankjacks (4 count)

The Thang:

800 Meter Run to start

85 reps of:

HR Merkins (8 burpees)

BBSU (8 burpees)

Goblets (8 burpees)

Dips (8 burpees)

Overhead Press (8 burpees)

4 count flutter kicks (8 burpees)

KB Swings (8 burpees)

800 Meter Run

Tank crushed it (as usual) leading the way.  All PAX did a great job…


Prayers for our F3 brothers and friends battling cancer. Prayers for Sprocket and his family.  Thanks given for God’s grace.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always a privilege to lead these men.

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