Labor Day Convergence of 2 AOs

AO: Grindstone

When: 09/04/2023

QIC: Tsunami

PAX (17): Animal, Hail Mary, jugdish, Longshanks, Mantooth, Mr. Hand, Olaf, Paparazzi, Pinkman, Snowman, Soul Glo, Spit Valve, Swiper, The Body, Tsunami, Vanna, Whiz


Two AOs (Black Water & Grindstone) joined forces on Labor Day to build each other up. We had 5 PPR, 10 for a PR, and 17 total for BD. It was an honor to lead this morning in the gloom. This was my 2nd Q so still learning the ropes and was given some “love” by fellow PAX with some mumble chatter.


Mosey to top parking lot and circled up.

SSH’s, Good Mornings, Weed Pickers, Willie Mays Hays, Little and Big Sun Gods

The Thang:

Mosey to 2nd Football Field

We started at the goal line and did lunges to the end zone, 100 yr line. At every 10 yards we did 10 merkins. (100 merkins total) I confused serval PAX by calling them pushups, again still learning.
Air chair for the 6. A couple PAX joined the 6 at the 20 to help him in. All PAX did 10 more merkins with the 6 upon arriving at the end zone. Took a lap around the football field. YHC noticed some standing around as we waited on the 6. So had to throw out the rest of my workout and audible with some Dora to get PAX moving more.

Dora: We partnered up and did 3 exercises running to the 50 and back in between each exercise.
50 Burpees
100 Big Boys
150 Squats

Mosey to near by building to find enough wall space for 17 PAX. Keeping the same partners…
Took turns, one PAX did the exercise the other PAX held plank, then switched.
1 min Wall Sits
25 Donkey Kicks

I noticed my feet slipping a bunch during donkey kicks, and wanted to do mary, time was running out, so pulled another audible and spared PAX on the 1 min balls to wall.

Mosey back to flag

15 Gas Pumpers
15 Flutter Kicks


Left space for men to share or bring anything to the group.

Took a moment of silence.

No prayer request, so sent one out to everyone who doesn’t have the ability to do what we can do. Move our bodies and come together in fellowship and community. Prayers sent out to anyone going through big transitions, including kids still going though transitions at schools, middle, HS and college. I am grateful to be a part of such an awesome group of men.

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