No Q, No Problem

AO: Halo

When: 09/04/2023

QIC: Sparky

PAX (6): Drain Hole, Fenway, Sparky, Tweaker, Wideright, Woody

The Thang:

On that misty morning when Wakesport mysteriously vanished into thin air, the PAX found themselves in a quandary. Undeterred, Sparky, WideRight, and DrainHole exchanged knowing glances, realizing that they had to seize control of the BD.

Sparky, the ever-enthusiastic leader, stepped up without hesitation, taking the helm with a series of dynamic warm-up exercises that set the tone for the day. He followed the warmup with an unforgettable 4-corners consisting of merkins, plank-jacks, jump squats , and single-legged squats.

WideRight, known for his relentless pursuit of pain, followed suit by concocting a grueling circuit of duel PAX Bernie Sanders that had everyone gasping for breath.

Afterwards, DrainHole pushed the PAX to their limits in a formidable session of 11’s of mountain climbers and imperial walkers.

As the sun peeked through the clouds, the PAX returned to the flag. During the Circle of Trust, they reflected on the importance of stepping up when needed, knowing that in F3, they were never alone. The lesson was clear: when the Q went AWOL, Sparky, WideRight, and DrainHole had risen to the occasion, not as mere substitutes, but as leaders who had forged a memorable story of unity and resilience in the annals of F3 lore.

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