Iron Pax 1

AO: Big Creek

When: 09/06/2023

QIC: Baskins

PAX (13): Baskins, Benny, Corn Dog, DDoS, Deuce, Hail Mary, Mantooth, Napalm, Package, Schneider, Snowman, Soul Glo, Stiff-Arm, Two Hand Touch, Valley Girl, white whale


I had a great Q in the hopper.  Then Snake reminded me it was Iron Pax….



Weed Pickers

Morocan Night Clubs

15 min trying to explain the workout to a loud group of Pax

The Thang:

Iron Pax 1.  Look it up.


Prayers for Snowmans mother in law, Baskins coworker and preacher as they fight cancer. Praise for a good morning in the gloom.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Although I do not enjoy Iron Pax, it is not an excuse to stay home.  After a while we don’t post for ourselves but for the brother next to us.  F3 continues to bless my life, I am thankful, its always a pleasure to lead.

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