Track Day!!!!

AO: Crossroads

When: 09/06/2023

QIC: Hollywood

PAX (3): Catheter, Mayhem


With BRR guys out for the week I knew it might be a lighter crowd today….


One pre-runner to get things started but found some company when I got back.

The Thang:

Headed over to Milton High School track to find it was open today.  Mayhem met us there.  Track workout included:

1 x 400 fast paced

1 x 400 easy lap

Repeated this twice, then moved on to:

1 x 800 good pace

1 x 400 easy lap

Repeated this twice, then ended with:

1 x 400 fast pace

1 x 400 easy lap

Did two of these as well and then headed back to home.


Nothing today

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Is always an honor to lead, great work guys.

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