65 – 7 – 56 – 21 SET HUT!

AO: Windjammer

When: 09/08/2023

QIC: Townie

PAX (13): Cookie, Freon, Mayflower, Maytag AI, Milli Vanilli, Mounty, Nair, NRA, Sparkie, Townie, uga, Walkie Talkie, Einstein


YHC promised a celebration of the return of football season.  So we celebrated the 2 time National Champion Georgia Bulldogs who won the Championship game by the score of 65-7, the greatest Linebacker in NFL history Lawrence Taylor (#56) and at the request of our AO founder, Cookie, the 2021 Atlanta Braves World Series Title as well.


Mosey to the Dam.  SSH.  Imperial Walkers.  Willie Mays Hays.  Arm Circles.  Covids.  Mountain Man Poopers

The Thang:

Mosey to the Boat Launch.  Part 1:  College Football.  Air chair for until the 6 is in, then start next round.  

65 * LBC’s | 7 Merkins | Lap

65 * Flutter Kicks (A) | 7 Merkins | Lap

65 * E2Ks (32 each side) | 7 Merkins | Lap

65 * Dying Cockroaches (A) | 7 Merkins | Lap

Mosey back to the dam.  Grab a coupon.  NFL Football time.  We will pay homage to the greatest LB of all time:  Lawrence Taylor #56.  Air chair for until the 6 is in, then start next round.  

14 * Curls, Skull Crushers, Shoulder Presses, Bent over Rows, then run the Dam hill like there’s crack at the bottom and then the cops are chasing you on the way up.  

14 * 4 = 56 LT’s #.  Repeat 4 times.  1 for every NYG Super Bowl Victory.

Upon Cookie’s request, we should mix in some 21’s as well.  So an impromptu round of OYO:

21 * Merkins

21 * Squats

21 * Big Boy Sit-Ups

Mosey back to the flag.  ‘Round the horn Mary (burpees, merkins, j-lo’s, etc…) until 6:15 struck.


Prayers up for our buddy Nacho Libre and his family’s continued pursuit of adopting a child, sounds like things are working in their favor.  T-Claps to PAX who donated to their cause.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Shout-out to Cookie and Maytag today.  Maytag was a man on a mission during the beatdown being the first man back up the dam hill.  I was wondering what his motivation was.  Turns out a dozen donuts awaited us during COT.  It’s really generous of you to take the time, effort, and money to contribute donuts (Maytag) & coffee (Cookie) on the regular.  Thanks, fellas!

Always feel grateful to have the chance to lead this group of men and appreciate the strong turnout today.  We had 3-4 regulars missing and still 13 PAX posted.

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