Belated B-Day Q

AO: Black Water

When: 09/11/2023

QIC: Pinkman

PAX (8): Baskins, Mantooth, Mr. Hand, Napalm, Olaf, Pinkman, Snake, Valley Girl


YHC had originally planned to Q last week on my actual birthday but due to Labor Day we called an audible and converged with Grindstone. Lucky for me the Q was open this week and we were able to celebrate a belated B-Day BD.


Moseyed up the hill towards the shops and found a spot to circle up.

SSH x 15

Weed Pickers x 12

Hillbilly’s x 12

Moroccan Night Clubs x 12

Michael Phelps on your own.

The Thang:

Thang 1

Birthday Burpee Mosey

YHC just turned 37 so what better way to celebrate than with some good old fashioned burpees. Moseyed for a bit performed 10 burpees, moseyed some more 10 burpees,  mosey again 10 burpees, we made it to the amphitheater and closed out the final 7 burpees, for a total of 37.

Thang 2

Amphitheater Escalator

Starting at the stage level

20 Peter Parkers

Box Jump to the Next Level

40 (Alpha Count) Bulgarian Ball Busters

Box Jump to the Next Level

60 Dips

Box Jump to the next level

80 LBCs

Box Jump to the next level

100 Alternating Shoulder Taps

Added some single leg Step ups x 20 and Bulgarian Squats x 30 for good measure

Thang 3

We headed over the parking deck and partnered up. Partner 1 starts the exercise while Partner 2 runs the ramp. When Partner 2 reaches the top of the ramp they exercise until Partner 1 catches up. Rinse and repeat to the top of the deck.

Level 1 – Flutter Kicks

Level 2- Alabama Prom Dates

Level 3 – Monkey Humpers

Level 4 – American Hammers

Mosey back down the deck and back to the flag.



Ansel Adams Slaytona 500 run is this Wednesday starting at 7 PM at Big Peach Cumming.

Braves game next Monday 9/18.

Prayers for our fellow PAX and remembrance of  9/11.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

It was a pleasure to lead this group of men this morning. I’m grateful to celebrate another year of life and thankful to have a group of men pushing each other to be the best versions of themselves.


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