IPC Week 2: BDE (There Must be Discipline) Mile

AO: Norseman

When: 09/14/2023

QIC: Knight Rider

PAX (11): Chapter 11, DeLorean, DirtyMO, Fresh Prince, Ha-ha, Huffy, Matlock, Nacho Libre, Password 123, Shortcake


Arrived early at the AO to set up the 400 meter road course (200 m out and 200 m back) with lighted cones along the way: at the start, at the 200 m turn around, and every 100 m for scoring purposes).

PAX started arriving to the AO just as YHC was putting the finishing touches in place.

The PRE-BLAST requested that PAX show up early to warm up so that we could start the disclaimer/IPC week 2 demo right at 0530.  All PAX were spot on with this and we all met up at the designated location in the large parking lot rather than the standard pavilion meet up/flag location.

0530 was called with a quick intro and disclaimer. A rundown of the IPC Week 2 – “BDE Mile” details and demo exercises were conducted.  The PAX were instructed to run on the left side of the course for safety and accurate distance measurement. The PAX staged at the starting line, the official 45 minute countdown timer was started (no false starts), and we were off.

YHC hung back for 20-30 seconds to start the tunes and the BD was finally in full swing.


This was conducted OYO prior to 0530 so we could complete the 45 min AMRAP and start the COT NLT 0620.

The Thang:

400-m course + 5 BDE-Burpees
400-m course + 5 BDE-Merkins
Repeat this cycle for the entire 45 minutes.

400 m run: modify distance, jog, or walk
5 BDE Burpees: substitute any type of burpee
400 m run: modify distance, jog, or walk
5 BDE Merkins:  substitute any type of merkin

Scoring: Total number of meters run in 45 minutes, rounded down to the closest 100 meters

All PAX ran and worked hard for the full 45 minutes. Everyone in the group seemed to get at least 4.25 miles in. We received encouragement from Jocko and Goggins along the way via  3 spoken word, motivational songs. Remember “there….must….be.. discipline” and “1 + 1 is 2.”


Thanks given for the opportunity to come together in fitness and in fellowship.
Thanks given for the strength in our legs and the breath in our lungs.
Prayers for healing and strength for any PAX that need it along with anyone in our families and community.
Prayers for Nacho Libre’s newly expanded family and baby Isabella.
Prayers to help us honor all the victims of 9/11 and never forget the sacrifices of those families, first responders, and servicemen/servicewomen on that day and all the days since. May we never forget.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always an honor to lead. This was a fun one to set up and get through. I think it is also a record for YHC in terms of days between signing up for a Q and actually Qing. I hope to pick up more Q’s on short notice. Again, I always learn something new each time I’m on Q. Thanks to all the PAX that came out, worked hard, and played along in 90 plus % humidity. Lastly, as Jocko told us this morning, “There is no easy way. This is only hard work, late nights, early mornings, practice, rehearsal, repetition, study, sweat, blood, toil, frustration, and discipline.” As Goggins would say, “Stay hard!!”

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