Rolling with the Stones

AO: Firehouse

When: 09/14/2023

QIC: Better Call Saul

PAX (5): Better Call Saul, Closets closets closets, Janeway, Longshanks, Seaman


YHC had the Q and after twisting my ankle last week, decided it was time to push and see if the ankle was ready


short warm up included

Imperial Walkers

Michael Phelps

Willie Mays Hays

Overhead Claps

The Thang:

7’s which consisted of:

  1. Burpees and Squats – running length of football field in between
  2. Merkins and LBC’s – running to midfield
  3. Mountain Climbers and Boxcutters – running to approx. 25 yards
  4. Shoulder Taps and Fire Hydrants – running back to midfield

Took a couple of active recovery walks up and down the field during the BD

There was some mumble chatter as the PAX realized that all of the songs on the playlist were by The Rolling Stones – they were told that all would become clear at COT


Announcements:  2nd F expected on Thursday Sept. 21, location TBD but guaranteed to be somewhere between Atlanta and Dahlonega

Acceleration Point:

last week, The Rolling Stones announced that they have a new album coming out in October and as many know, they have continued to tour and perform despite being around 80 years old.

One of the reasons I am in F3 is that I would like to one day be 80 years old and at least climb a flight of stairs on my own and without pain.

Taking care of ourselves physically, having fellowship as well as faith and purpose in life will help us to stay vital into our golden years.

Playlist:  all songs by the Stones

Start Me Up

Angry (their new song)

Miss Y0u

Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo (Heartbreaker)

Hang Fire

Street Fighting Man

19th Nervous Breakdown

Get Off of My Cloud

It’s All Over Now


Shattered (which is how we felt at the end of the BD)

It’s Only Rock’n’Roll

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always enjoy being in the gloom and glad my ankle passed the test this morning!

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