Boneyard – IPC Week 2 – BDE Mile

AO: Boneyard

When: 09/15/2023

QIC: Mater

PAX (2): Judy


What’s a BDE?  Who knows…not me cause it wasn’t explained to us in the video (possibly something to do w/ the military maybe?).


SSH, Weedpickers, Worlds Greatest Stretch

The Thang:


  • 45min AMRAP (modified this as we needed to finish everything, including warmups in 45 mins)
  • 400-meter track with 100-meter increments clearly visible (nope)

The Thang

  • The workout begins when the timer starts
    • 400-meter lap
    • 5 BDE burpees
    • 400-meter lap
    • 5 BDE merkins (AKA – hand-release prisoner merkins)
      • Hand release merkin to Peter Parker to the right elbow to hand release merkin to Peter Parker to the left elbow to hand release merkin
  • Repeat until time is called.


  • Total number of meters rounded down to the closest 100 when time is called
    • For example, if time is called and you are between 880 and 890 meters, your score is 800 meters


Took a knee and had a moment of silent prayer.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Thanks for showing up Judy and making me accountable, else I would have gone home to sleep.

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