Runners and Ruckers and Walkers Oh my

AO: The Storm

When: 09/16/2023

QIC: Valley Girl

PAX (13): Ace Ventura, Crab Cake, DDoS, Dumpster, Inseam, Mantooth, Pinkman, Snowman, Spit Valve, Swiper, Todd Doherty l F3 UMass, Whiz


Yep – I was the only one who did not pre run.


I looked all over my car trying to find my ruck.  Left in my garage. Helluva warm up.

The Thang:

A bunch of guys started at 6:30 and ran to Fowler and back.  Whiz and crabcake ran 20 plus that morning and blessed us with their presence for an hour.

I rucked with Ace…well, I walked.  I did the least of anybody and I’m proud.


More prayers for Snowman’s MIL

Braves game

SMR registrations

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Great group of guys

Three days late but I finally get the bot off my ass

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