Ab’s are allowed throughout the Year

AO: Gladiator

When: 09/21/2023

QIC: RaspberryPi

PAX (17): Butterknife, Cheneral, defcon2, DREAMER, Fire Drill, Laces, Macbeth, Mater, Scratch-Off, Shrinkage, Snowbird, Spandex, Speedo, Yokel, Brownie, Alice


A little reminder of where defibrillator is and quick recap of workout is voluntary. Off we go


Mosey around starting parking lot, with high knees, butt kickers, side to sides & hamstring scoops.


Warm up:

SSH x20

Worlds Greatest Stretch each leg

Hillbillies x12

Toy Soldiers x8

The Thang:

Off we went to turf field for DORA. Everyone partnered up and proceeded with:


Partner would do 20 reps of a core workout then switched out with Partner 2 who was the rep counter. Once rep number were completed then a 400m run (1 lap around soccer pitch) was completed before moving onto next set of exercises.


Exercises set 1:

20x Flutter kicks

100x Burpees



Exercise set 2:

20x J-Lo’s

200x Dips



Exercises set 3:

20x Heel taps

300 Squats



Exercise set 4:

20x Cricket Climbers

100x Decline Merkins



Exercise set 5:

10x Merkins

75x Bonnie Blairs



Bought the six in with a group friendly run and moseyed back to the flag with 3 minutes to spare where we learnt how to do American Hammers the correct way


CFA Biscuit vs Beans on Toast. Is Fosters an Aussie drink… Doesn’t matter, it’s still consumed in large volume within the UK.


Welcome back Shrinkage

Church service event provided by Snowbird

Upcoming No longer bound event.


Dreamer prayed us out

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always a pleasure leading these group of men. Thank you for the opportunity.

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