Arms of Steel

AO: Starting Line

When: 09/16/2023

QIC: Suarez

PAX (7): Aunt May, Janeway, Seaman, Sirmixalot, Suarez, Thumper, toadstool


Great weather for a heavy arm/chest workout. After a quick catch up we mossie to our starting location.


SSH 15

Weed Pickers  15

Wiley Mays Hayes 15

Imperial Walkers 15


The Thang:

Set 1 /3


Regular merkins 15

Ranger Merkins (hands close to body and chest) 15

Jump squat 20

Squat jump 180 deg 20

Squat knee to elbow (squat imperial walkers) 20


Heel touches 30

Knee to raise leg up 30

Toe touches 30 (v ups)

Scissors 30

Side scissors 30


Knuckle merkins 15

Wide merkins 15

Reverse merkins 15

Side straddle hope 20

Calf raises 20




Set 2/4


Explosive merkins 15

Archer Merkins (extend one hand) 15

Spider man Merkins 15

Decline merkins 15

Incline merkins 15


Jump rope Siri   timer  for 2 minutes

Squat to toe 30

Lunge 30


Heel touches 30

Knee to raise leg up 30

Toe touches 30

Scissors 30

Side scissors 30


“Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.” – Thomas Jefferson

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