So Many 7s

AO: Norseman

When: 2023-09-26

QIC: Ha-ha

PAX (11): Bottom Bunk, Callahan, Cam's, Crikey, DeLorean, Fresh Prince, Ha-ha, Knight Rider, Matlock, muTTon, TO


7 years ago this month I walked into my first F3 workout. Seems like yesterday. Probably because I am mostly unconscious by the end!  So time for some celebration.


Short mosey to the big lot:
  • SSH
  • Weed Pickers
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Windmills

The Thang:

After a short mosey down the street to the bridge in the woods we got to the starting point of our adventure.  A board with a light.  7 exercises with 7 different counts: Reps      Exercise 7             Mike Tysons 14           Jump Squats 21           Peter Parkers (Alpha) 28          Big Bois 21           Lunge (single) 14          Windshield Wipers 7            Burpees 4 stations were laid out in a loop roughly 200 meters between each stop:
  1. Road at the bridge
  2. concession stand at the loop
  3. parking lot by the dugout
  4. Light in the woods loop parking
Start with 7 Mike Tysons at stations 1-4 and move to the next exercise, 14 Jump Squats at each station, etc. The gazelle group made it to the Windshield Wipers while the more mature group made it through the lunge round. Back to the flag at 6:15


Continued prayers for the FBC pastor recovering from heart problems. Praise that Isabella is doing great!

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Thank you to all the men of F3 Alpha that make this workout thing more than a workout! You guys are why I keep coming back. You are what makes this a great group. If I don't break I'll be out here every week.

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