Halfway to 90

AO: Gladiator

When: 2023-09-28

QIC: Other

PAX (17): Chanel, Cheneral, defcon2, DREAMER, Macbeth, Mater, RaspberryPi, Scratch-Off, Spandex, Speedo, Tar Heel, Yokel, Alice; Veggie


1st BD since the completion of IPC 2023, which in the Q's opinion was a bit repetetive this year. It also happened to coincide with the Q's 45th b'day. This one had been "cooking" for a week or so and the Q actually test drove it with the BSMT WKS crew on Wednesday AM. I knew we could get through it in the allotted time.


Short disclaimer since no new faces, while also letting the PAX know it was the Q's 45th b'day to give them some preview of what they'd see again during the workout. Short mosey towards the coupon pile where we paused to circle up for the following:
  • SSHs
  • Weedpickers
  • WGS (on your own)
  • Arm circles forward and backward

The Thang:

With the warmup done, we moseyed the remaining distance to the coupon pile. PAX was instructed to pick out a good 2-hander, but not to get too crazy in their selection. Mosey and cusack up the hill to the top parking lot for further instruction: Rd 1 (1978 - yr of Q's b'day): 19 Squat crushers (squat while holding coupon behind your head on your shoulders and at top of squat, extend for a skull crusher) 19 curls Mosey down the hill to the zebra crossing 26 Mike Tysons on the curb 26 V-ups Back up the hill -- Repeat this round 3 times Midway through, the Q heard someone comment..."Not a lot of mumble chatter today." Q immediately thought "Good, that means folks are working, which is what they should be doing!" Return the coupons to the pile and Q led the PAX to the tennis courts Rd 2 - 45 reps of each 15 burpees 15 Merkins Repeat 3 times Indian run back to the flags with time waning with just enough time for 15 mountain climbers to finish things off


Job search for Spandex and any others in that process Travel mercies for MacBeth who will be out next 2 weeks  

Naked-Man Moleskin:

I appreciate the opportunity to lead and each time I learn something new about myself, my leadership style/ability, and this group of guys. Thank you for the opportunity. Here's to being halfway to 90!

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