Starting Line Ruck

AO: Starting Line

When: 2023-09-30

QIC: Seaman

PAX (10): Better Call Saul, Closets closets closets, Jolt, Lightweight, Script Kiddie, Seaman, Sirmixalot, Suarez, Sugar, toadstool


Five for the pre-ruck.


Disclaimer, a brief warm up, then we began rucking

The Thang:

Ruck with pain stations, we rucked and stopped periodically (more than usual) to do some exercises that the pax called out.  We rucked 2.7 miles. Bench dips at the first pavilion Manmakers Squats Bernie Sanders Fire Hydrants American Hammers Flutter Kicks A lot of bleacher laps, Lightweight led this, and I assure you, it was a lot!  Sugar was multitasking and picked up rubbish while doing them. I wanted everyone to get a chance to pick an exercise, but we ran out of time and I fell short of that goal.


Go to to recognize any of your fellow HIM. CSAUP ideas:  We have not done a CSAUP as a group since we rucked Mt Curahee.  Start thinking about it and bring your ideas to future BDs. We welcomed an FNG, Sugar, and he brought some suggestions for a future CSAUP, though I do not recall what is was specifically. Please post your ideas to our Slack channel so we can all see them and look at the pros and cons of each. MOC:  Don't hesitate to ask for help, that's something I need to work on myself. Prayers for the pax

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Grateful for these HIM

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