Double Nickel B-Day Q at Grindstone

AO: Grindstone

When: 2023-10-02

QIC: Swiper

PAX (15): Corn Dog, Crab Cake, Hail Mary, Inseam, Noodle, Omaha, Paparazzi (Sri), Schneider, Snake, Snowman, Swiper, Valley Girl, Vanna, Whiz


Thanks to all the PAX who came out to help YHC celebrate his 55th Birthday!  Great crowd and thanks to all of the Black Water crew who kept things rolling while a few west siders headed our way.


Mosey up to the front parking lot for Mary:  All IC
  • SSH
  • Windmill
  • Good Morning
Michael Phelps OYO

The Thang:

Mosey to the Football field for the Double Nickel Routine:
  • 2 Exercises, Wolverines & Bonnie Blair's
  • Descending order starting with 10
  • Sprint to the 55 yard line, 9 of both exercises
  • Back pedal back to the end zone, 8 of each exercise, etc.
  • Continue until only 1 rep
Next; Ascending wind sprints:
  • start with a mosey and pick up speed every 25 yards with full sprint from 25 to other end zone - Rinse and repeat X 3
Next; head to the concession building for some 40s:  Donkey Kicks and Wall Taps 30/10 20/20 10/30 Over to the benches for 2 sets of step ups and incline mercans, 15/10 Back to the flag for some rapid fire Freddy Mercury's.


  • Prayers for safe arrival in Germany for Napalm and that his family adjusts to his absence in coming weeks
  • Prayers for continued health and strength for upcoming races:
    • Baskins and Mr. Hand in Blue Ridge 50K
    • Snowman & Dumpster in Lanier Triathlon
    • Crab Cake, Jugdish, Whiz, and Emeril for the 100 miler; Valley Girl & Inseam for the 25K and extra pacing miles with the 100 mile crew
    • Inseam, Animal, and Olan Mills for the Moab 50K in November

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Thankful as always for another birthday - we aren't guaranteed anything in life so family, friends, health, and prosperity are things we should not take for granted!  Highly thankful for the group of men who represent F3 Cumming!  Aye!!!

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