Secrets & Mysteries

AO: Nirvana

When: 09/30/2023

QIC: MillerTime

PAX (10): Dosido, Groundhog, No-See-Um, Paul Sheehy, Pinkey, Shortcake, Special K, Tank, turkey


Lots of Slack chatter prior to this one getting some boys fired up and introducing Biebs to the fray


We ran around and came back to home base for warm ups

The Thang:

Two goals this day.  We needed to involve No-see-Um as that poor guy has been showing up for beatdowns doing his own limited program without any mobility.

With a truck full of cinders, we partnered up and did a 4 leg dora.

With a promise to Biebs of a tour, we moseyed to the pull up bars for a quick circuit, moved on to the steep hill for 3 rounds up with one backwards, squats and BBSU’s top and bottom.  On to BFH as Biebs wanted some trail action.  Three more trips up BFH with mercans at bottom, Imperial Walkers at top.  With everyone gassed, we moseyed to the wall for wall sits and balls to the wall.

Back to home base for a 4 rounds of coupon work and time!

Time flies when you are having fun


Prayers for Thrasher from Cherokee on his ongoing cancer treatments.

Prayers for GroundHog’s 2.0 on her upcoming eye surgery


Naked-Man Moleskin:

I genuinely can’t understand why this AO doesn’t pull 20 pax on average.  It’s a playground of options across a wide expanse of terrain.

Always a pleasure to lead here

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