Escalator board of pain

AO: Grindstone

When: 2023-10-06

QIC: Valley Girl

PAX (7): Corn Dog, DirtyMO, Henley, jugdish, Snake, Spit Valve


Brought the board for some good escalator fun


By the stairs for some WMH, Reverse lunges, good morning, imperial walkers, Sun Gods

The Thang:

Mosey to the concession stand where the board and a 90's grunge playlist awaited. Do 1st exercise, run, 1st and 2nd, run, 1st 2nd 3rd, run, etc.  I jumped us around on the board a bit to hit different body parts and emphasize the sucky stuff. 2 Wolverines 4 burpees 6 plank jack mercans 8 WWI Sit ups 10 Donkey kicks 12 Jump Squats 14 Mercans 16 Bonnie Blairs 18 BBSU 20 Squats 22Flutter kicks (A) 24 Shoulder Taps (A)


prayers for the 100 miler guys

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always a pleasure

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