Route 21 pyramid style

AO: Starting Line

When: 2023-10-11

QIC: Sirmixalot

PAX (3): Aunt May, Jolt, Sirmixalot


YHC took the Q from Script Kiddie who was headed out of town. In keeping with his wishes this BD was heavy on the burpees.


Lap around the big circle Disclaimer given Sun Gods Moon Gods Good Mornings Imperial walkers

The Thang:

Route 21 increasing by 3 reps at each light (skipped some lights in some cases since they were pretty close together) Fast mosey between light posts The exercises: Burpees, LBCs, and Squats Start with 3, then 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21. Then worked our way back down 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3.  (147 reps of each exercise) Finished with a variation of Everest on the stairs. Round 1 was 2 calf raises on each step, lunge across the big landing. Round 2 was bunny hop on each step,  lunge across big landing. Round 3 sprint up the steps making sure to hit every one and sprint across the big landing.


Short and sweet COT this morning. Everyone was headed out fairly quick for their responsibilities.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always an honor.

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