coupon monday

AO: The Hooch

When: 2023-10-16

QIC: Birdie

PAX (15): Animal, BallBoy, Birdie, Boomer, Chesapeake, Feathers, Flo, HIPAA, Humperdinck, McCracken, Popper (Dan Richard), Spackle, Splinter, Sunshine, Y2K


Chilly morning!


After disclaimer & F3 five core principles, we moseyed around the parking lot and warm up: Weed Picker, Wind Mill, SSH, Toy Soldier, Arm Circle.  

The Thang:

Thang #1: Burpees ring of fire (2 rounds). Thang #2:  Setup 8 cones as pain station.  Start with station 1 do the exercise and then go to station 2 do the next exercise and go back to station 1 then station 2 and then 3. Before advancing we started at station 1 and the do the exercises on each station.
  1. Goblet Squat (5)
  2. LBC (10)
  3. Side Stradle Hop (15)
  4. Kettle Bell Swing (20)
  5. Lunges with Coupon (25)
  6. Plank with Arm Raise (30)
  7. Curl (35)
  8. Mountain Climber - AC (40)
Next we did Lt Dan  (5 counts.) With a few minutes left for Mary: American Hammer, Flutter Kick & Box Cutter.


Prayer for Feather’s dad, Pat, for his health & treatment Prayer for Popper’s M while he’s traveling for work.    

Naked-Man Moleskin:

YHC was in LA for 2 weeks and  there was no F3 AO near by Valencia for week days. The closest one is in Anaheim, CA (about 90 minutes drive). We are blessed with so many AO's to choose  and only within 10-15 minutes driving distance. YHC was able to post once at Castaic AO which met on Sunday. Grateful for what we have in our Alpha region.  Glad to be back with my brothers and it was an honor to lead this morning. Until next time, SYITG.

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