Birthday Gift

AO: The Hooch

When: 2023-10-18

QIC: Flo

PAX (21): Angus, Animal, BallBoy, Birdie, Boomer, Dinghy, Fuzzy Dice, Half-Dozen, HIPAA, Humperdinck, Meatball, Pigtails, Saint2O, Spackle, Sunshine, Tenderfoot, TURK, Utah, Y2K, Freedom Fries (we need to get him in the system)


October 19th, 1979 is when it all started for YHC.  I was young back then, really young.  44 years later, I am now middle aged, really middle aged.  I am a blessed man, and this group is a big part of my life.  Fun fact about me, I also like donuts.  I really like Sarah Donuts, they are my favorite.  I had an idea to create a #beatdown to combine my my love of donuts and F3.  The below is what ensued…


The bottom of the 5am hour struck and it was time to get started.  Quick disclaimer, then IC of SSHs, Willy Mays Hays, Weed Pickers, Moroccan Nightclubs.

The Thang:

YHC sent out the call for everyone to bring some kind of weight to the party.  Ruck, cindy, or weight of the PAX choosing.  It didn’t really matter, just needed something that you could carry and do stuff with at various points. Put out the call to pick you your weight and follow me.  We stopped along the way for 44 reps of various exercises including:  Overhead Presses, Pull-overs, Monkey humpers, Donkey Kicks, Push Jacks, Kettle bell swings, Merkins, and probably some others that I’m forgetting. Our path took us away from the flag to the trail that runs behind the high school.  We dropped our rates for a minute and ran up this hill (OYO) 5 times.  That got the heart pumping for sure. YHC faked an audible (it was really planned) and took a cut through that just happened to run past my favorite donut shop, Sarah Donuts. We ended the #beatdown early and made the call to drop the weight and go in and order whatever you wanted, my b-day gift to the crew. The workers were a little startled at first seeing 21 grown men with cinder blocks approach their door, but we were friendly, the PAX ordered, the Pax sang YHC a lovely birthday song, and the nice folks at Sarah Donuts walked out with a huge box of free donut holes.  Many of which were distributed to the 2.0s of theHooch faithful. We were running short on time so we ended with our COT in front of the Donut shop. Mission accomplished.  


We lifted up prayers for Pat “Pops” Halpin, Feathers Dad, and occasional 2nd F attendee.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Thankful to be part of this group and honored to lead.  Glad I got this out so that the bot didn’t chase me.

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