Girlfriend Disco Party

AO: Norseman

When: 2023-10-19

QIC: Ha-ha

PAX (15): Beaker, Cam's, Crikey, DeLorean, DirtyMO, Ha-ha, HammerToe, HotSauce, Knight Rider, Matlock, Nacho Libre, Plumb Bob, Shooter, Slick, TO


Orvis and his M have been traveling. Apparently you can't get a baby sitter at 5:00 am so he had to relinquish his Q. And the girlfriends whispered in my ear they wanted to come. Even though Crikey tried to break me Tuesday morning I'm back and 85% ish. Delorean is back with a gimpy back. We still have Pepper on IR. Pepper??? Where are you???


After stashing the big boom box aka Red Tesla, in the big lot. Run over for:
  • SSH
  • Weed Pickers
  • Imperial Walkers

The Thang:

Musical Dora

Pair off with one girlfriend per pair.  One PAX does exercise while the other runs across the lot and back. Flapjack.  New song = new exercise. Going back to my high school DJ days we had a disco play list to enliven the group.
Double Respect Disco
Song   Exercise
Let's Groove 04:05 Sumo Dead Lift
Stayin Alive 04:43 Top Half Curls
Brick House 03:28 Squat
Le Freak 03:30 Skull Crushers
Play that Funky Music 03:10 Bent Row
September 03:35 Overhead Press
Rapture 04:58 WW III Situps
Knock on Wood 04:10 Bottom Half Curls
Disco Inferno 03:11 Lunge
Funkytown 04:00 Merkins (no bag)


NLB Beatdown and Breakfast Saturday morning Shirt order open through Saturday Convergence 11/11

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