Man In The Arena

AO: Badapple

When: 2023-10-20

QIC: The Real Woody

PAX (8): goat, Jackalope/Bayside, Rusty, Spider, Sprocket, The_OG Zima, Turbine


Well, well, well...with an epic Woody beatdown on tap, the PAX were excited to fartsack when lightning was surrounding the area at 4:30am.  The comms channel was a live wire and YHC made the executive wall (when we was actually awake) that the radar showed no thunder or lightning after 5:15am, and proceeded on as planned.  PAX were also instructed to bring 2 cinders (extras were available as needed) and we had a good showing in the pouring rain for 8 total PAX.  Kudos to Rusty for showing up late but bringing some additional lights and Goat, for also being tardy, but showing up nonetheless. Let's GO!


Sun Gods OYO

13 Weed pickers

13 Hillbillies

13 SSH

13 Copperhead Squats

Michael Phelps OYO

13 Thunder Claps

The Thang:

Pickup 2 cinders and head to the field

4 corners - 30 yards each direction

1 Cinder to start (Pouring down rain and feels great laying in wet grass getting pelted by rain doing LBCs...)

Start at 1st come- 5 man makers, 10 LBCS with block

Murder Bunny to 2nd come: 10 Man Makers , 20 LBCs with Block

Continue MB between cones: (15, 30), (20,40)

Pick up 2nd coupon…

Round 2

Cone 1: 5 crossover merkins, 10 Squats

Farmer Carry both

Cone 2: 10 cross merkins, 20 squats

Farmer carry

Come 3: 15 crossover merkins, 30 squats

Farmer carry to cone 4

Cone 4: 20,40

(Halftime Speech-

Burpees for duration of speech for a little motivation

Round 3

Cone 1: 5  cinder jump across both (spaced apart for 2 jumps each way), 10 presses

Farmer Carry both

Cone 2: 10 cinder jump across both,20 presses

Stack and carry to

Come 3: 15 cinder jump, 30 presses

Farmer carry to cone 4

Cone 4: 20,40 jumps, presses

With 2 minutes to do, we went into 2 minute drill and farmer carried the 4 corners...if dropped or rested, 5 burpees. TIME! Unfortunately, we didn't get to the 4th round, but it was to be...

Round 4

Cone 1:

5 derkins, 10 Vups


Cone 2:

10 derkins, 20 Vups


15, 30


20, 40


Prayers for Goose, Thrasher, Penny....

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Glad the thunder and lightning cleared, but we were all definitely soaked by the end of the BD.  Good times!

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