AO: The Wreck

When: 2023-10-20

QIC: Blue

PAX (4): aflac, Moonshine, Mountain Mama


DiCCS: Disclaimer issued.


Mosey to playground Stretching. SSH x 20 Mosey to field.

The Thang:

4 Large tires laid out in the endzone. Partner up. 50 burpees (aggregate), cary to 10 and back. 50 V-ups (aggregate), cary to 20 and back. 50 WW2 sit ups (aggregate), cary to 20 and back. Hot lap. Hooked rope to tires. Pull to 15.  Added a tire, Pull t0 30. Added 3rd tire, pull back to endzone. Load tires on truck. Mosey to playground.  Burpee Quiz on F3 Mission. Mosey to flag.


Prayers for Peace in the Middle East.

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