
AO: The Bridge

When: 2023-10-20

QIC: Birdie

PAX (13): Birdie, Dinghy, Fuzzy Dice, Hackeysack, HIPAA, Homer (Andy Darnell), Humperdinck, Meatball, Popper (Dan Richard), Potter (Matt Rowand), Spackle, PaperBoy, Hormone


With rain in the forecast for Friday morning, YHC asked PAX to meet in the parking deck. When morning came, the rain stopped, so we started at the regular spot, soon after disclaimer, it started to drizzle, so we moseyed to the parking deck for Weed Picker, Wind Mills, SSH, Imperial Walker & Moroccan Night Club.

The Thang:

Thang #1: 2 rounds of burpees ring of fire.   Thang #2: we moseyed to the parking lot behind the theater, but it started to rain, so moseyed back to the parking deck & started the exercises: round #1: Elevens: American Hammer & Lunges - moseyed across the width of parking lot. Moseyed to the another side of the parking deck where there's a slide incline for the rest of the exercises: Elevens & Sevens, transportation mode: bernie sanders to the top & moseyed back. round #2: Elevens: Diamond Mercans & Crunchy Frogs round #3: Sevens: Jump Squat & Peter Parker round #4: Carolina Dry Dock & Reverse Crunch. YHC called for time and moseyed back to the flag. No time for Mary.


Prayer for travel mercy for Fuzzy Dice Prayer for healing for Zima  

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Grew up in Los Angeles area, there's plenty of 7-11 stores in many street corners. YHC was in LA area for 2 weeks and saw plenty of 7-11 stores, hence, the idea for the BD. We are blessed with so many AO to choose any day of the week in our area. Let's not take things for granted and keep EH's our friends & neighbors. This morning we also welcome 2 new FNG's, Hormone (Joey Low) & Paperboy (Jin Lee).  It was an honor to lead this morning, until next time. SYITG.

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