On the road again

AO: Cropduster

When: 2023-10-26

QIC: Tenderfoot

PAX (3): Meatball, Tenderfoot, TURK


Another glorious morning for a Crop-dustin and time for discussions on Bono, Vegas, and Halloween Costume choices.


The pax did their round of dynamic stretches at the cars and hit the road.

The Thang:

We started out running into Glenn Abbey, ran to the far end of the neighborhood and back.  We then crossed into Tuxford and ran around back via Grennadier to Occee Park. The hills didnt get less hilly than I remember prior to doing the BRR.


Prayers for everyone's family and everything they are going through jobs, kids, challenges of everyday life.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

It was my first time leading in a while coming back from the BRR and need to make it a regular thing going forward!

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