Hot LZ landing and No Wingman?!

AO: Nirvana

When: 2023-10-28

QIC: The Real Woody

PAX (8): Groundhog, No-See-Um, Pinkey, Shortcake, Special K, Tank, turkey


Having a break in the home football games, YHC took up the flag and volunteered for the QIC role this beautiful day.  The call went out over the channels...and the banter was solid.  Of course the Dadgumit Bayside/Jackalope even weighed in with his mouth but was a no show.  YHC had texted and confirmed Shortcake that he could bring additional cinders so the PAX could show up free and easy. Up early for the BD, plan prepared, truck packed....panic.  Dude..."where's my phone?"  10 minutes later it's found, but making it a first for YHC to be late for his own QIC.  Come to think of it, maybe Dadgum did show up and leave during that two minute window.


YHC squealing tires though Crabapple en route, texting his wingman Shortcake to start the warmup went nowhere...since Shortcake wasn't there either?!  Special thanks to Tank for stepping in and leading the PAX through some warmups - Weed Pickers, Abe Vigodas, SSH while the esteemed No See-Um was exercising his fingers and calling out the QIC on the channel.  YHC dropped in hot to the LZ at 7:02 and immediately jumped into action.

13 Copperhead Squats

Sun Gods

13 Thunder Claps

13 MTN climbers Divebomb Merkins to loosen up sholders and hips Quick Mosey around the parking lot with some high knees and Carioca.

The Thang:

Thank goodness that YHC had 8 cinders packed into the truck since Shortcake was still sawing ZZZs and a no show.  Kudos though for staying up to watch the end of WS Game 1.

Round 1:

EMOM: 1 minute on, 10 seconds to prepare for next exercise

HRR, Bonnie Blair’s, SSH, LBCs, Burpees

—-Bear crawl the parking lot to rinse

Round 2: With Coupon:

Vups, Goblet Squats, Curl Presses, Man Makers.(debate ensued about whether we can still call them man makers, or need to be more woke?!), Swings

Rinse with a Captain Thor (No See-Um finally adding value by helping the struggling QIC on the proper counts)

Look who showed up at 7:30?????? Shortcake!  Quickly reminded to never leave your wingman...

Mosey….1/2 mile to pull up bars

Mini Murph - 10 sets (5 pullups, 10 merkins, 15 squats)

Mosey to stadium and run the steps serpentine with 5 merkins at the top of each aisle.

Back to flag.

Dying Cockroaches and some JLos until all PAX are back.  TIME.



Prayers for Dosi, Goose, Thrasher, Groundhog's 2.0, No See-Ums 2.0, Turkey's M, and prayers unspoken.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always a privilege to lead these men.  Coffeeteria after at Whitetail.

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