Attack of the GOBLINS beatdown

AO: Meathouse

When: 2023-10-31

QIC: Dinghy

PAX (12): Angus, Beaver, Fuzzy Dice, Hackeysack, Half-Dozen, McCracken, Meatball, Pigtails, Saint2O, Scrooge, Spackle


Horror movies usually ease the viewer into suspense slowly. Bollocks to that - today was a day to jump in right from the start. Given the veteran crew, an abridged disclaimer was given and off we dared to go.....


10 each of Weedpickers, Hillbillies, Moroccan Nightclubs, Michael Phelps, and SSH's. Grab the blocks and swozy over to the fountains.....

The Thang:

Right off the bat, get right into the hard part of the beatdown by combatting the GOBLINS. Pax conducted 10 each of the following (Goblet squats, Overhead presses, Bent rows, Lunges with coupon - alpha, Imperial walkers with coupon - alpha, Noodling mercans - 10 each side, Swings), then quick ruck the Town Green. Conduct the same exercises BUT drop the last. Rinse and repeat until complete. Hillbilly for the 6 Welp, the GOBLINS got wise, and attacked the PAX one at a time. SOOOO, pax conducted each exercise individually, quick rucked a lap, then continued to the next. Hillbilly with coupon for the 6 Swozy back to the flag for abridged Bloody Mary - 10 pickle pounders, 10 count low plank, 10 gas pumpers, 10 American hammers...and that was time


Don't forget the Alpha Convergence at Perimeter on 11 November - planning meeting at 6 Bridges on Thursday at 7. Circled up for prayers for Ballboy's M and for peace in the Middle East and the rest of the world.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

As always - a pleasure to lead this bunch. The effort was superb, and planning/executing this one was a LOT of fun. The Q sheet is open, men - take this opportunity to LEAD!

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