Haunted Lot Hopscotch

AO: Galaxy

When: 2023-10-31

QIC: Fenway

PAX (12): Abacus (Mark Green), Compost, Drain Hole, Fenway, Jorts, Louganis, Percy, Spirit Fingers, Steamer, Tweaker, Wideright, Yearn


Warm up in parking lot - Weedpickers - Toy soldiers - Moroccan night clubs - Imperial Walkers

The Thang:

  • Mosey to upper galaxy
  • Circle up - 21s Side straddle hops - single count, count first 5 out loud, continue silently in unison until 21. If anyone stops out of order, 5 burpees and try again
    • We got it on the 2nd try!
  • Wave of merkins Everyone in plank position Each PAX does 1 merkin in turn (like a wave), then 2 merkins, etc - until everyone does 10
  • Go across parking lot and back, doing exercise at each line crossed - 10, 20, 30, 20, 10
    • Mosey across + knee ups at each line
    • Lunge walk across + squats at each line
    • Crab walk across + LBCs at each line
    • Bear crawl across + donkey kicks at each line

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