Gourd of Pain

AO: Gladiator

When: 2023-10-31

QIC: Other

PAX (13): Cheneral, Cousin Eddie, Darkside, defcon2, DREAMER, Hitchcock, Judy, Macbeth, Mater, Slider, Spandex, Speedo, Brownie


Your QIC had signed up for the HallowQ months in advance and was trying to find a creative way to incorporate the holiday. After finding an appropriate holiday-themed playlist and renaming a few exercises to fit the day, I was ready to lead the PAX through another workout. PAX was instructed to bring their cinders for the day that were affectionately renamed "tombstones" but no PAX died in the performance of this workout...


Carry our cinders to the field where we placed our tombstones along the circle in the center. Mosey around the full perimeter of the field complete with some butt kickers, high knees, karaoke, and side shuffling before returning to the center. Since I wasn't planning a lot of running today, that was the extent of the warmup.

The Thang:

Gourd of pain in honor of the circle we'd be using with the tombstones spaced pretty equally around the exterior of the circle. Let the BD commence: One member of the group would be in the center of the circle doing an exercise while the remainder was moving in a clockwise fashion around the circle using varying MOT with stops at each of the tombstones for an exercise. Also, one of the stations on the circle without a tombstone was the designated burpee area where the exercise was AMRAP burpees until it was time to move again. Rd 1:  Center exercise - 10 kb swings, Circle exercise - 10 alpha count dancing bears touching the top of the tombstone each time; MOT - bear crawl Rd 2:  Center exercise - 5 blockees, Circle exercise - 10 mercans and hold plank when done until time to move (Q audibled HR mercans at the midpoint); MOT - crab walk Rd 3:  Center exercise - 10 werewolf jumps (tuck jumps w/ knee slap), Circle exercise - 5 zombie raisers (good mornings); MOT - duck walk Rd 4:  Center exercise - 10 sumo squats w/ cinder, Circle exercise - 20 curls; MOT - moving Peter Parkers; we only had time for half the circle on the last round In between each of the rounds, sprint to the corner of the soccer field closest to you and mosey back Mosey back to the flag


Upcoming convergence Spandex's Dad is on the decline and needs lots of care Spandex job search is productive Dreamer's family friend remains cancer free

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always an honor to lead and have fun with a theme. Challenged the group to embrace radical acceptance like we do on Halloween where we welcome all who come to us with gifts, kindness, and smiles. Brownie out!

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