Wilt and 4 Corners on the Court

AO: Grindstone

When: 2023-11-03

QIC: Snowman

PAX (8): Hail Mary, Omaha, Paparazzi, Snowman, Soul Glo, Spit Valve, Stiff-Arm, Vanna


weed pickers, imperial walkers, SSH, bat wings

The Thang:

Wilt Chamberlains:

Length of basketball court. Line up at end line do 100 lbc's then run to opposite end line do 100 squats back to first do 100 flutter kicks(each leg) then end back at opposite to finish off with 100 lunges(50 each leg). Nice ab and lower body routine. Named for Wilts NBA record 100 pt game.

4 corners with a twist:

Start in center , bear crawl to corner, exercise, bear crawl back to center, 5 burpees, exercises, Bobby Hurley’s, Merkins, Carolina, Big boy,

Repeat – decreasing quantity of each exercise by 2 for each corner:

    • Merkins: 20 – 18 – 16 – 14 – 12……down to 2
    • Bobby Hurley’s: 19 – 17 – 15 – 13……down to 1
    • Big Boys 18-16-14
    • Carolina Dry Dock’s 17-15-13
    • Return to center after each corner for 5 burpees
    • Once you finish – mary for the six or find a pax and finish with him

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