Back to the GRIND

AO: Grindstone

When: 2023-11-06

QIC: Whiz

PAX (8): Corn Dog, Durty Nelly, Hail Mary, Snowman, Spit Valve, Valley Girl, Vanna, Whiz


YHC was looking forward to getting back in the gloom this week after an extended absence and the Grindstone site Q informed me yesterday I was on tap to lead.  Perfect.


Mosey behind the fields and circle up for SSH, weed picker, abe vigoda, good morning IC

The Thang:

Head to the top of the long lot to re-introduce a routine I created back in 2018 shortly after the AO launch. The G.R.I.N.D. Start at the top light pole and alternate lunge walk and bear crawl in between poles after each set. G = 10 groiners R = 20 ranger merkins I = 30 Imperial walkers (alpha) N = 40 newtons cradle (alpha) D = 50 diamond merkins Bring it back home in reverse rep count order and alternate between duck walk and inchworm on the way back up the lot. G = 50 gorilla humpers R = 40 reverse LBC I = 30 imperial squat walker (single) N = 20 never cross dolly D = 10 double merkin burpees head back to the flag for a few flutter kicks and 20 more burpees OYO


Prayers for Durty Nelly's friend who just lost her husband and father of 3.  Praises for job prospects and for Corn Dog's father being cancer free.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Snowman confirmed that burpees are, in fact, the best exercise ever invented and he loves them.  Spit Valve concurs...

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