A Winters Tale or Exit Pursued by Bear

AO: Gladiator

When: 2023-11-16

QIC: Macbeth

PAX (11): Darkside, DREAMER, Hitchcock, Macbeth, Scratch-Off, Slider, Spandex, Speedo, Yokel, Zohan, Brownie


Shall I see thee in the gloom, Yonder morning where beatdowns commence? Shouldst I not my heavy heart Shall beat no more within my breast. HC, my brethren! HC with swiftness Lest I be overwhelmed with grief And see fit to stay fit no longer.  


Ran to the left field and started getting warmed up!

The Thang:

We did a 5 part beatdown experience based on key plot points in each of the 5 acts of Shakespeare's "A Winters Tale". Each part was scheduled to run for 7 minutes. Act 1 - A Servant warns Polixenes • Dora style - one partner runs across the field and back while the other partner alternates dips and merkins (sets of 16) Act 2 - Two servants are sent to inquire of the oracle of Delphi • Double Dora (so 4 man teams) - 2 run while the other 2 alternate between monkey humpers and calf raises (16) Act 3 - Exit pursued by bear • Bear crawl Indian run. Yep, what it sounds like. Everybody bear crawls in a circle and the last person moseys to the front and then keeps bear crawling. Act 4 - 16 years later Perdita and Florizel fall in love • Set up two lines facing each other - one side was Perdita's and the other was Florizel. Perdita side started with 16 Perdita Parkers (Peter Parkers) and held a high plank for the six, the Florizel side did 16 j-flo's (J-Los) and held a low plank for the six. Once both lines were done everyone did 16 Side Straddle Hops and then swapped to what the other line was doing. Rinse & repeat until time. Act 5 - Statue of dead Hermione comes to life • Had limited time on this one but lined up and every other person altnerated between low plank or air chair position - the PAX at the end of the line would bear crawl to start of the line and as he passed each person they would swap their static position. Worked like a dream.... well kind of a nightmare at the beginning, but our deeply intelligent and practically minded PAX figured it out. Curtain Call - Mosey to the flag and Mary until time.


Turkey Bowl (flag football) will be held at the Gladiator on Thanksgiving (11/23) Santa Ruck coming up 12/9 Another Ruck option coming up sometime - Ask Zohan  

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Lift up Hitchcock going to Disney next week and DREAMER as they are 6 weeks out from new baby coming along.

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