Get Low! (Fuzzy Dice VQ)

AO: The Bridge

When: 2023-11-17

QIC: Fuzzy Dice

PAX (10): Birdie, Dinghy, Fuzzy Dice, Hackeysack, Maguire, Popper, Potter, Saint2O, Spackle, TURK


Being my VQ, I... decided to be selfish and emphasize some stuff I like:  Kettlebell Swings & Squats!  But, because we have to get better - still included some stuff I don't so much like: Burpees & Merkins (but in proportion :-) ...).  Took the opportunity to emphasize full-depth & range-of-motion for the PAX - full-depth squats; hand-release merkins; dead-hang strict pull-ups.


  • Get Warm: Side-Straddle Hops, Michael Phelps, Windmill, Weedpicker, Monkey-humpers, Copperhead Squat
  • Coupon Mosey to stage

The Thang:

Two parts: a "burner"(Metabolic Conditioning, aka Metcon) and Strength focus.

Beatdown Part 1: MetCon (24 mins)

Adapted from “Snowbird” (memorial WOD Cpt. Jennifer Casey RCAF) AMRAP 22 minutes:
  • 35 Kettlebell Swings with Coupon
  • 9 Burpees
  • [X] Squats (choose your own adventure for [X]):
    • Goblet squat with Coupon, Full-Depth: 25
    • Goblet squat with Coupon, Half-Depth: 35
    • Air-squat, Full-Depth: 35 (original workout)
    • Air-squat, Half-Depth: 45
  • 8 Hand-release Merkins (Full-depth! ;-) …)
Catch-breath & question life choices:  2 min

Beatdown Part 2: Strength (12 mins)

Partner Coupon Mosey Pull-up Bars (1 min) Pull-up Strength 5x5: 5 sets of 5 strict pull-ups (E2MOM) - "strict" as-in full dead-hang/full-depth! (10 mins)
  • Have 5 strict pull-ups?
    • Add a coupon to your foot.
    • Coupon too much? Make it 8 strict pull-ups.
  • Don’t have 5 strict pull-ups?
    • Inverted/Bodyweight Rows
    • Negative pull-ups (maybe: with coupon on foot!)
Coupon Mosey to Flag (1 min)


  • Potter - Dad
  • Turk - FIL
  • Dinghy - Brother
  • Maguire (and all others): Traveling mercies

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Thanks all for the VQ support!

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