Grindstone gets a taste of the Big Apple

AO: Grindstone

When: 2023-11-17

QIC: Swiper

PAX (12): Crab Cake, DirtyMO, Durty Nelly, Omaha, Snowman, Spit Valve, Striker (Brendan Day), Swiper, Vanna, FNG Hosel; FNG Cork, FNG Tea Cup


YHC spent the last few days cruising around New York City, so it was time for a Big Apple themed beat down at the Stone.  10 PAX headed out of the gate with 2 FNGs, but the top of the lot another car pulls in with our 3rd FNG (Hosel) and we actually have 11 - Even better.  Let's get it!!!


Circle up at the top of the lot for Warm ups, all in cadence: Windmills Hillbillies Good Mornings Side Straddle Hops

The Thang:

  1. Mosey to the football field for some "Times Square" 4 corners using half the field:
10 burpees 20 Jungle Boi Squats 30 Flutter Kicks (Alpha) 40 Side Straddle Hops 2) Next, start at the goal line for a "New Year's Rockin Eve" countdown: Bear Crawl to the 10 yard line, do 10 burpees Lunge Walk to the 20, do 9 burpees Alternate BCs and lunge walks every 10 yards and drop 1 burpee all the way to the other goal line 3) mosey to the concession stand wall.  In honor of September 11th, we'll do 11s with Donkey Kicks and Star Jumps.  Note:  The Largest single day loss of life on american soil - Never Forget. 4) Next stop, "Rock" afeller center at the Coupon Pile for 2 rounds of Colt 45s: Round 1:  curls, OHP, Skull crushers Round 2:  Rows, swings, chest press 4)  Last Stop:  short mosey to the big football field.  This time, honoring the New York firefighters with a mercan ring of fire.  Knee or elbow hitting the ground taps you out.  A hard fought match was put up by our young crowd of FNGs, but Dirty Mo hung on to the be the last man standing!        


Excited to welcome 3 FNGs to the Stone!  Welcome Hosel, Cork, and Tea Cup (TC had one of the best stories ever shared by an FNG) Mark your calendars for F3 Day on 12/9.  Santa Ruck in the AM at Tower Rd. and F3 Christmas Party at 6 PM at the Tutterows (a.k.a. the Baskins'es).  Please HC and don't forget to bring a White Elephant gift (~$20).

Naked-Man Moleskin:

YHC had the opportunity to tour the 911 Memorial and Museum this week.  Some takeaways include:
  1.  Make the most of each day - you never know which one will be your last
  2.  Multiple stories about the heros who carried people down flights of stairs to safety - do hard things now and you know you'll be able to do them when you have to
  3.  Make sure the people closest to you know how how important they are to you.  There is a section of the museum where they play recordings from passengers calling their loved ones from the last plane that went down, but many weren't able to make that call
  4. Go on YouTube and look up and watch "BOATLIFT" - 12 minutes you will not regret.  Loved the message about never wanting to say "I should have."  Aye!

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