Planks for days

AO: The Wreck

When: 2023-11-17

QIC: Rooney- timlonergan

PAX (16): Rooney- timlonergan, Blue, mountain mama, rip, Yankee, Aflac, norm, Juul, sic em, sellout, hammertime, echo, moonshine, tiny dancer, gutterball, missionary,


Was great being back with you guys this week!  Thanks for a strong showing. Almost had music for the first time out of my many Qs, but my speaker was broken.   I enjoy listening to the nature noises and mumble chatter along the way though.  Just happy I remembered my phone for safety.


Side straddle hops at the origin to collect any latecomers, then we moseyed to the football field— picking up some pocket rocks along the way.  Phelps, arms circles, high knees and high heels, then we were off to the races- or at least the planks.

The Thang:

Planks with leg lifts took a bit of time.  With the pelvic floor active of course. Planks with shoulder stability challenges to the rotator cuff and serratus anterior…. While the partner ran some suicides to 5,10,20,50. partner merkins because we push each other around here at f3!  And then we did those core things where the partner stands and literally pushes the feet down to the ground of the partner that is laying down with his feet up.  Pocket rock curls on the way back!


Santa ruck sounds like an awesome opportunity hope the liver transplant surgery went well for sellouts friend moonshines dad getting baptized is quite the praise and worth a party no doubt

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Be a light guys. our world and the people we interact with can go through some dark times.  That is where we can step in.  Someone you don’t know that you’re passing by… or maybe it is your kid or wife. I encourage you to put your phone down and engage… take your wife on a date. you are strong capable leaders that have an opportunity to positively influence those around you, so let’s not miss it!  Let’s Press on toward the goal

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