Keep movin’ on..even when it’s 1st and 20

AO: Black Widow

When: 2023-11-18

QIC: Knight Rider

PAX (19): Bo Knows, Cox, DeLorean, DirtyMO, Funyun, G String, Ha-ha, Mater, McEnroe, NRA, Roundup, Skip-pe, Tenderfoot, TURK, Gunner, Getup, Sven (FNG), Bandwagon (FNG)


YHC Arrived early at the AO to set up cones, lighting, cinders/sandbags, tunes, and printed instructions on the main turf filed at Black Widow. A few cars came in and out of the parking lot during set up. Pre-runners / pre-ruckers…not sure. As the sun started to rise as 0700 approached, the PAX started to trickle in. Some by bike and some by car. First 4, then 10, then announcements of PAX still on their way. The PRE-BLAST may have scared a few away, but a good turn out was starting to shape up. 0700 was called with a quick intro and disclaimer. We moseyed the long way around to the east side of the field, up on the main trail, and down the stairs to the turf field to give the PAX a quick preview to the upcoming “merkin runs.”


Once on the field the PAX circled up in the north east corner of the field for Warm-O-Rama. YHC led the PAX in-cadence through: SSH’s – 20 Weed Pickers – 10 Hillbillies – 10 Merkins – 10 Big Arm Circles - OYO

The Thang:

THANG #1: Due to many PAX coming in hot after 0700…a quick count was performed to identify 19 total PAX and 2 FNGs. Overall workout flow / instructions, exercise demonstrations, and safety guidance was given by YHC. PAX were split up into 3 groups, the music was started, and we were off. The goal was to complete at least 1.5 rotations through the CINDER station and SANDBAG station with “MERKIN RUNS” in between each station. MERKIN RUN  = run up the stairs to the trail, perform 5 merkins, run down to the bridge, perform 5 merkins, then run back to the field,  down the stairs and start the next station (approx. .2 miles roundtrip) STATION #1:  Cinder Station START WITH 10 x THRUSTERS with CINDER ---------------------------------------- then OVERHEAD CARRY cinder to the middle of the field  **STOP AND PERFORM** 20 x INCLINE MERKINS on the cinder then OVERHEAD CARRY cinder to the far sideline ----------------------------------------- At the far sideline perform 20 x JUMP SQUATS without cinder then OVERHEAD CARRY cinder back to the middle of the field ----------------------------------------- **STOP AND PERFORM** 20 x INCLINE MERKINS on the cinder then OVERHEAD CARRY cinder back to the original sideline / staring line ----------------------------------------- PERFORM 1 MERKIN RUN (ON THE FIRST RUN ONLY: COMPLETE 60 SSH AT THE BOTTOM OF THE STAIRS) ---------------------------------------- STATION #2: Sandbag Station START WITH 10 x INCLINE MERKINS on the sandbag ---------------------------------------- then SHOULDER CARRY the sandbag to the middle of the field ------------------------------------------  **STOP AND PERFORM** 20 x BENT OVER ROWS with sandbag then CARRY sandbag to the to the far sideline ----------------------------------------- At the far sideline perform 20 x LOADED SQUATS with sandbag ----------------------------------------- then SHOULDER CARRY the sandbag back to the middle of the field ----------------------------------------- **STOP AND PERFORM** 20 x BENT OVER ROWS with sandbag then SHOULDER CARRY sandbag back to the original sideline / staring line ----------------------------------------- PERFORM 1 MERKIN RUN ---------------------------------------- RINSE AND REPEAT UNTIL TIME WAS CALLED ------------------------------------------ TIME WAS CALLED FOR THANG #1 AND  THE PAX SPENT 2-3 MINUTES TO HELP CARRY COUPONS TO THE  FIELD ENTRANCE TO MAKE IT EASIER ON YHC FOR LATER CLEAN UP…MUCH APPRECIATED. ------------------------------------------- THANG #2: 1ST AND 20:  PAX LINED UP AT THE NORTH GOAL LINE FOR A MODIFIED VERSION OF 1ST AND 10, CALLED 1ST AND 20.   CONES MARKED EVERY 10 YARDS ALL THE WAY TO THE FAR GOAL LINE: @ CONE 1 (NEAR GOAL LINE) ----------------------------------------- PERFORM:  20 BBSUs AND 1 BURPEE ---------------------------------------- THEN RUN TO FAR GOAL LINE, AND RECOVERY JOG BACK TO CONE 2 ------------------------------------------- @ CONE 2 (10 YARD LINE) ----------------------------------------- PERFORM:  19 BBSUs AND 2 BURPEEs ---------------------------------------- THEN RUN TO FAR GOAL LINE, AND RECOVERY JOG BACK TO CONE 3 ------------------------------------------- @ CONE 3 (20 YARD LINE) ----------------------------------------- PERFORM:  18 BBSUs AND 3 BURPEEs ---------------------------------------- THEN RUN TO FAR GOAL LINE, AND RECOVERY JOG BACK TO CONE 4 ------------------------------------------- @ CONE 4 (30 YARD LINE) ----------------------------------------- PERFORM:  17 BBSUs AND 4 BURPEEs ---------------------------------------- THEN RUN TO FAR GOAL LINE, AND RECOVERY JOG BACK TO CONE 5 ------------------------------------------- @ CONE 5 (40 YARD LINE) ----------------------------------------- PERFORM:  16 BBSUs AND 5 BURPEEs ---------------------------------------- THEN RUN TO FAR GOAL LINE, AND RECOVERY JOG BACK TO CONE 6 ------------------------------------------- @ CONE 6 (50 YARD LINE) ----------------------------------------- PERFORM:  15 BBSUs AND 6 BURPEEs ---------------------------------------- THEN BEAR CRAWL TO FAR GOAL LINE, AND RECOVERY JOG BACK TO CONE 7 ------------------------------------------- @ CONE 7 ----------------------------------------- PERFORM:  14 BBSUs AND 7 BURPEEs ---------------------------------------- THEN BEAR CRAWL TO FAR GOAL LINE, AND RECOVERY JOG BACK TO CONE 8 ------------------------------------------- @ CONE 8 ----------------------------------------- PERFORM:  13 BBSUs AND 8 BURPEEs ---------------------------------------- THEN BEAR CRAWL TO FAR GOAL LINE, AND RECOVERY JOG BACK TO CONE 9 ------------------------------------------- @ CONE 9 ----------------------------------------- PERFORM:  12 BBSUs AND 9 BURPEEs ---------------------------------------- THEN BEAR CRAWL TO FAR GOAL LINE ------------------------------------------- @ CONE 10 (FAR GOAL LINE) ----------------------------------------- PERFORM:  11 BBSUs AND 10 BURPEEs ---------------------------------------- The PAX all worked hard and lots of groaning was heard as we made our way down the field. As 0700 approached, the call was made to circle up at the center of the field. A quick round of Mary for 1 minute of flutter kicks with varying cadence…and DONE.


Announcements: SANTA RUCK is coming on 12/9. Info will be sent out to collect canned goods and a possible VENMO link to make a mass purchase for Black Window coming. Welcome FNGs: SVEN and Bandwagon Prayers: Thanks were given for the opportunity to come out in Fitness and Fellowship. Prayers to help the PAX keep moving forward even when things get hard, but to also be granted the grace/peace to still hear God’s calling for our true purpose in life. Prayers to help us focus on the people and areas that are truly important in our lives as we enter this season of Thanksgiving. Prayers for patience and safety as PAX, family and friends travel this season. Prayers for friends and relatives recovering from or prepping for medical procedures. Prayers for the recent loss of loved ones or friends. Thanks to the Lord for all that He does in our lives and for ALL our many blessings.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always an honor to lead. I really appreciate such a great and large group of HIM coming out in the Gloom. Everyone worked hard and it was great to see. It was also a good experience to complete a Q away from my home AO. The Black Widow is definitely my favorite Saturday AO…such a great mix of guys, athletic abilities, and personalities. I continue to learn new things and ways to improve at every Q. That is all due to the PAX…I learn so much from everyone else’s input and it reminds me that the best plans fall apart at the word "GO"…you need to remain flexible. Again, looking forward to the next opportunity to lead and grow. As the closing song for the BD stated,"So move, keep walkin’, soldier, keep movin’ on.” That sums it up nicely…keep moving forward, even when it gets tough out there. It’s you against you, but don’t be afraid to lean on the man to the left or right of you out there.

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