Cumming with the Girlfriends

AO: Norseman

When: 2023-11-21

QIC: Whiz

PAX (14): Blistex, Cam's, Chapter 11, Deuce, DirtyMO, Ha-ha, Huffy, Password 123, Slick, Snowman, Stroller, Stu, Todd Doherty l F3 UMass, Whiz


YHC has had Ha-Ha's coffee maker since August and was finally shamed into returning it with a guest Q at the Norseman.


Circle up for SSH, Windmill, and Bat Wings IC

The Thang:

Partner up, grab a girlfriend from Ha-Ha's trunk, and head to the "big" pavilion where the whiteboard was setup with the Thang. The fact that we are all privileged to get to workout in the gloom was ringing true for me this morning and I was sure to share this with the PAX. Dora style exercise.  Each pair does 100 reps of all the exercises in any order they choose.  Quick audible to 50 reps for the burpee varieties shortly in. Partner 1 exercises while partner 2 bear crawls to Plymouth Rock and lunge walks back.
  • T. hrusters (with the bag)
  • H. and release burpees
  • A. merican hammer (alpha)
  • N. ewton's cradle (alpha)
  • K. nuckle merkin (on the bag)
  • F. lutter kick (alpha, holding the bag overhead in press)
  • U. pright row (with the bag)
  • L. L. Cool J
Most PAX got very close to finishing before time.


Prayers for Snowman's MIL and for his resolve to stay on the path of sobriety right now and through the holidays. Prayers for all PAX heading into this week where family struggles, drama, and frustration often test our patience.  Let's all remember to live third and be the example of true manliness for our families this week.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Pepper narrowly escaped a drive-by deuce drop in his front yard this morning.

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