Second Helping

AO: Meathouse

When: 2023-11-21

QIC: Boomer

PAX (11): BallBoy, Birdie, Boomer, Doughboy, Fuzzy Dice, Hackeysack, Half-Dozen, Potter (Matt Rowand), PuffDaddy, Saint2O, Spackle


After Popper's epic Thanksgiving beatdown yesterday, we were ready for a second helping. 11 PAX braved the wet weather for some promised stair work.


Typical warmup.

The Thang:

Bottom of stairs. Complete on your own.

Merkins x 10

Curls x 15

American Hammer x 20

Up the stairs Lunges x 10 (single count) Down the stairs

Diamond merkins x 10

Rows x 15

Flutter kick x 20

Up the stairs Lunges x 10 (single count) Down the stairs

Wide merkins x 10

Skullcrushers x 15

Gas pumpers x 20

Up the stairs Lunges x 10 (single count) Down the stairs

Hand Release merkins x 10

KB Swings x 15

V ups x 20

Up the stairs Lunges x 10 (single count) Down the stairs

Ranger merkins x 10

Shoulder press x 15

BB sit-ups x 20

Partner up. Partner 1 gets to the top as fast as he can. Partner 2 holds Zamperini until partner back. Repeat. Each Partner completes 5 trips up the stairs. With partner, Partner 1 takes both coupons and farmers carry around garage loop. Other parter doing BLIMPS. When Partner 1 sets block down and moseys back, partner 2 continues it. 2 trips around garage. Short Mary.


Lots to pray for and be thankful for.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always honored to lead.

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